So the baby's room is complete! My mom just put up the finishing touch, valances, yesterday! It is my new favorite room in the house! We are just missing one thing. :( Can you take a guess?

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Last Day
So today is my last day of work for a while! I am so excited. Went to the doctor yesterday and I am 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Doc says it is good that I am moving along because it should make labor a little easier! So hopefully Tuesday is the day we get to bring our long awaited little girl into the world. I am so excited to meet her and be a mom.
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Ginger Bread Houses
So we started ginger bread house contest Christmas tradition last year with Greg's sister Kylee and husband Cole. Greg and I are super competitive, so we always get way into it. Well this year we had some issues and got a little ADHD and half way through when things started to get hard, my lovely husbund said he was done and walked away! Typical!!! So what did I do, smashed the house in with my fist! It honestly felt better to smash that house in and destroy it than it did to win any contest.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
4 Weeks!

I can't believe we are going to be parents in just 4 short weeks. I am starting to freak out a little because it's starting to become REAL. I will get an amniocentises test on December 20th and if the baby's lungs are developed they are going to take me at 37 1/2 weeks, December 21st. You may ask why I would go that early? Because of my past with pregnancies, my doc felt it would be good for me to deliver sooner than later. Besides delivering on the 21st, my parents and sister are also coming in town for Christmas. I have only 4 weeks to get the house cleaned, Christmas presents bought and wrapped, and everything ready for our little girl to arrive! You can say I have a little anxiety!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
4th of July
Friday, July 2, 2010
Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay 2010
Greg's work sponsors the Ragnar Relay every year. I never in my wildest dreams thought Greg would run a race with me, but he did it this year! We had a team of 12 people, 6 people in each van, and ran a total of 190 miles from Logan,Ut to Park City,Ut. We did it in 29 hours. We had a blast. If you ever get a chance to do this run you better or you will regret turning it down!
Greg Finishing his last leg!

Greg running up a huge hill!

This run was in the middle of the day! I was dying of heat.

My BF Carly!! She's a stud.
Our Ride!

Night run!

Look at these boys!! Aren't they cute.

Greg was on this megaphone the whole race! Everyone loved it!

Greg Finishing his last leg!
Greg running up a huge hill!
This run was in the middle of the day! I was dying of heat.
My BF Carly!! She's a stud.
Night run!
Look at these boys!! Aren't they cute.
Greg was on this megaphone the whole race! Everyone loved it!
Monday, May 24, 2010
For my Grandma Betty "Boop's" 80th we decided; "we need to throw this young lady a birthday bash, and if we are going to throw a birthday bash for such a wonderful women we need to treat her to something wonderful!" So with that in mind, we threw this smashing party at the famous Chuck-a-Rama! Enough said!
Greg was so excited for Chuck-a-Rama that he alomst wet himself!
The Rink
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Summer is almost here.....
This is my first blog entry and it feels very awkward because I told myself I would never do one of these. I just don't have the time to sit at my computer for hours on end typing every moment that occurs, but I figure with summer approaching very soon, I will have LOTS of time to start a journal of our life!!! With softball, teaching resource high school students,IEP's, and training for a few races this summer, I have never been so busy in my life! Really.....the times when I thought my life was so hectic and busy does not even compare to right now! Coaching softball takes up about 5-8 hours a day, teaching another 8 hours and anyone who has trained for a race knows how time consuming it can be as well. But with that said I feel as if coaching softball has been a blessing to my life, because it has kept my mind off of the most traumatic event of my life thus far! (I know there will be many more trials to come). And running is my escape in life, which also helps to keep me sane. So......with summer approaching and only 24 days until school is out....I have never needed a break so bad in my life! I really can't wait!
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