Cruisin' 2012
So....this month has been full of a lot of emotion! We headed to Tampa for a much needed cruise to the Western Carribean, waving goodbye to our lil Oakley for a whole week. We flew my sister, Ashley to Vegas and she watched Oakley at my brother's house. I knew she was in good hands there, but let me just tell you how big of a wreck I was preparing for this. I am pretty anal (for lack of better words) with Oakleys schedule and what she eats and so I was calling my sister every day the week before telling her little things about what Oakley much she eats...etc. Ya... I know... I'm paranoid. I'm hoping this is just what happens with the first child and I will get better with more kids.....:) I emailed them every day and even got a chance to call once to say hi. Oakley could have cared less that I was gone and she was so good...NO problems, except growing out of her diapers while we were gone. I could not wait to get back to her! I did relax and enjoy sleeping in for that week. I also got to go to the gym with Greg everyday on the ship! This is rare because usually one of us in watching her while the other goes to the gym, so it was kind of nice to go together. I even put Greg through one of my "boot Camp" workouts. You can ask him how it went! All in all it was a great trip! Oakley was such a good little girl for her fist week away from her rents!

The Girls! Getting on the ship
This is my favorite picture! The Boys with the cruise dancers! Cole is so scared to touch them! hahaha
Our first stop in Roaton....My favorite beach of the trip!
Iguana farm!- also in Roaton
Craziest thing I have ever seen. Iguanas everywhere. We had to jump over them to get to the other side.
We went on RV's through the mud and cave tubing in Belize!
Greg enjoying the water in Costa Mya. It was so clear!
Our last day in Cozumel soaking in the was actually rainy this day :(
All you can eat! And I did....
The day we got home! Loved seeing this face